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13. How to use curve?

There are 4 kinds of curves, history trend display, trend display, XY trend display and history XY trend display.

Trend graph shows the data as a dynamic curve, the X axis represent the time, Y axis represent the data. We just add the registers in “Trend Chart” area. And then select the curve style in object’s setting windows.

History trend display, the real-time data in HMI cache will display curve graph, which X axis represent as time, Y axis represent as data. History trend is basic on data record.

XY trend display, the real time data in cache will display as continuous curve or separated points, each point in XY plot needs 2 addresses to set a point. We need each curve’s style and read registers’ in object’s setting windows.

History XY trend display, the data in cache will display as continuous curve or separated points, each point in XY plot needs 2 addresses to set a point. Each curve read from “History XY Plot”.